Wednesday, November 4, 2009

loss fat

I do not know how else to say, but food companies lie to you. Yes, you. This is really strange that they are actually entitled to lie to you ... by law.

I'm not even in jest. The old fool.

Lying on the label is the nutritional value of some kind of box or package or container, the food did you know if the ingredients are listed, as well as nutrition information, as are the number of calories or carbs per serving. All this information is generally true and accurate. If, however, the trans-fatty acids to ensure that all changes.

First, for those who do not know what is trans-fatty acids, let me give you a very quick and simple description. This is one of the "bad" types of fat. In fact, trans fat has the baddest of them all, it is "terrible" not bad "hip and cool" bad. "How bad?" Well, I think the might have a health problem that someone go.-Y, some health problems. Got it? Okay. It is a very good chance that what you thought of is one of many health problems and diseases caused by a diet rich in trans fats.

See ... bad.

But most people already know how much you for trans fatty acids is terrible. Most of these people do this by 1 January 2006, the date that began to require the FDA is aware that trans fat content on the nutrition label of all foods. Yes, they have company. Trans-fatty acids is to limit the poison, and now we can know a sense of security that is all we need to look at the label on the nutritional quality of our food to take to make sure that we eat not.

Well, not quite. This is the lie that what is happening.

See, there is a gap is largely unknown to the FDA, trans fat requirement. Instead of telling you that this gap, I'll let the FDA to tell me. Here is a direct quote from a "question-answer page on the official website of the Food and Drug Administration.

Q: How will the label be different?

A: The final settlement of the FDA, trans fat (also known as "trans fat") requires that see the amount of trans fat per serving listed on a separate line in saturated fats on the Nutrition Facts table (Figure be). However, trans fats must be listed if the total amount of fat in the diet is less than 0.5 gram (or 1 / 2 gram) per serving and no claims about fat, fatty acids or cholesterol.

Get all that? I bold the important role for you. Basically this is what they say. If a food contains 1 gram of trans fat per serving, he says: "Trans fat: 1 gram" on the label the nutritional value of food. If these foods has 0 grams trans fat per serving, he says: "Trans fat: 0 g" on the label. However, if a food has exactly 0.49 grams of trans fat per serving, he says: "Trans fat: 0 g" on the label.

Let that sink in a second. Food businesses are legally entitled to tell you that eating "0 grams" trans fat in foods you, even if it in fact that trans fatty acids in food. Fou s not true?

Well, the food you eat only the trans-fatty acids mentioned, where there is more than 0.5 grams per serving of it. If there are 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 or 0.49999999 grams, there will always say there is no trans fat in foods. There's really no other way for you to see it ... is a lie. Plain and simple.

There is of course an excuse for this madness. The FDA says that is slightly less than 0.5 grams, considered "very low" trans fatty acids. Thus, by this logic, if a certain amount of poison to kill me, I'll just eat well to 0.4 grams, since this amount would be "very low" poison. Mmmm, fantastic.

While trans fat is too much trans fatty acids, regardless of the amount. This is one of the worst things that you may be in your body. 0.4 grams, 0.5 grams or 10 grams, I do not care. I do not want it all, and who even cares about their health should not want any of these two. Unfortunately, the food companies are telling you that you do not eat anything, even if you are.

Another thing to keep in mind here is the concept of "service". Food companies need only specify how much it trans fat in a serving of that food. Have you ever paid attention to what a "service" of most foods is it? For example, for most cereals, a serving is 3 / 4 cup in the rule. Opportunities there are at least double that amount in an average bowl of cereal. Another part could be "3 crackers." How many people eat only crackers exactly 3? Not much.

My point is that most people eat more than a "service" of most foods. And since trans fats must be listed on the labeling of foods if it is 0.5 or more grams of trans fat per serving, which means that if the food contains 0.4 grams, and you eat 4 servings, there are 1, 6 grams of trans fatty acids. 1.6 is well above 0.5, but the label will still say that 0 grams per serving. And if you eat 4 servings of that food, 4 x 0 is still 0 grams trans fat. You always think that you do not eat anything, even though you ate 1.6 grams How wonderful.

And do not believe that food companies do not fully benefit from this gap. I'm sure there are many foods that can now be made to this end with exactly 0.49 grams of trans fat per serving for the sole purpose set to "Trans fat: 0 g" at the nutritional label. I am also sure that many foods have seen a decline in the part. If a full part in 1 cup of used and contained 0.8 grams of what they need to do is change the size of a half-cup serving, and trans fats per serving magic number drops to 0.4, in the "Trans Fat: 0 gram translated. "

Now that you understand fully this nonsense, let me tell you how you can place your food, you avoid being ripped off, and avoid eating food. I really explain briefly mentioned, another lie, 100% whole grain bread. The key to determine with certainty whether it is trans fat in foods, even if the label says: "Trans Fat: 0 g" by reading the ingredients of the food.

The keywords you are looking for in these ingredients are reduced "and the much more common" hardened ". If you use these words in any way see, there are trans fats in foods. Hydrogen is used to describe an oil, as in "hydrongenated soybean oil" or "hydrogenated vegetable oil." Many times he may the words hydrogenated "partially." As in "partially hydrogenated soybean oil." Partially hydrogenated or not, it is still trans fats anyway.

Oh, and if someone thinks I'm these things, here is another quote from the website of the FDA:

Q: Is it possible that a food to list how much trans fat as 0 g on the Nutrition Facts panel when the ingredient list shows that it contains "partially hydrogenated vegetable oil?

A: Yes. Food manufacturers have to list quantities of trans fats to less than 0.5 grams (1 / 2 g) and 0 (zero) on the Nutrition Facts table. Consequently, the consumer can see some products, 0 grams of trans fat listed on the label, the list of ingredients must be "reduced" or "partially hydrogenated vegetable oil" on. This means that the food contains very small amounts (less than 0.5 g) of trans fat per serving.

Because they are beautiful.

If any of these words, which I mentioned to a gig in the list of ingredients in their food, then it contains a certain amount of trans fatty acids.

So, let's go. You can always lied about trans fat in foods, only now are catching you in a position to him and to avoid it.

The Lean Cuisine Diet

I must say that I really was not always a fan of the promotion of prepackaged meals with what I felt was inferior nutrition, tiny tiny portions and high in sodium. However, when you add sound parts to lean cuisine, or other packaged premade frozen meals low in calories and fat, you have a perfect meal potioned which is ideal if you try to lose weight.

My fiance and I have lost a lot of weight this way of eating together when you're a diet to lose weight active, and you can too, but it takes discipline, like you're a little hungry when you're done, especially after dinner, when it is most important that you do not pig out, but it is also many times the time of day we choose to eat more, and it is difficult to break this habit.

If you can break this habit, and eat a healthy breakfast of your choice, and just eating Lean Cuisines, Healthy Choice frozen meals, or Smart Ones or some other comparable weight to look frozen meals, food and add so what meals to around 500 calories, you'd be surprised to see how we can fill them. It is especially nice because you can still eat foods that feel "bad", such as lasagna and Eggroll, remember that you must pick the most filling food for their nutrition and calories to succeed with this method plan you stick to it without feeling hungry.

When you follow this plan, some simple and inexpensive, we usually steam some broccoli or asparagus to go with the meal for lunch and dinner. If you try to eat without supplementing with yoru own vegetables steamed, you will not be full, I can almost guarantee it. My fiance also used the trick of filling more with a soda. I'm not crazy about the health aspect of soda, but the bubbles do not fill up the more you can even try a seltzer if you are concerned about artificial sweeteners.

As I mentioned earlier, the key to success with this type of system is complete with plenty of fibrous vegetables to fill you up and add the necessary nutrition and vitamins and fiber that I feel most Frozen meals are lacking. I always charge for breakfast and lunch eat about 450-500 calories to get ready for a day to eat meals low in calories, and that seems to pave the way to eat a diet low in fuel every day .

This type of scheme is very successful as long as you follow the rules and therefore do not yield to the temptation to overeat at dinner. Fill the water table to help maintain satiety until you go to bed. You'll feel pounds lighter in the morning, I assure you! It is easy to worry, it's fast, and the minimum, especially if you work two jobs like me!

The Lean Cuisine Diet

I must say that I really was not always a fan of the promotion of prepackaged meals with what I felt was inferior nutrition, tiny tiny portions and high in sodium. However, when you add sound parts to lean cuisine, or other packaged premade frozen meals low in calories and fat, you have a perfect meal potioned which is ideal if you try to lose weight.

My fiance and I have lost a lot of weight this way of eating together when you're a diet to lose weight active, and you can too, but it takes discipline, like you're a little hungry when you're done, especially after dinner, when it is most important that you do not pig out, but it is also many times the time of day we choose to eat more, and it is difficult to break this habit.

If you can break this habit, and eat a healthy breakfast of your choice, and just eating Lean Cuisines, Healthy Choice frozen meals, or Smart Ones or some other comparable weight to look frozen meals, food and add so what meals to around 500 calories, you'd be surprised to see how we can fill them. It is especially nice because you can still eat foods that feel "bad", such as lasagna and Eggroll, remember that you must pick the most filling food for their nutrition and calories to succeed with this method plan you stick to it without feeling hungry.

When you follow this plan, some simple and inexpensive, we usually steam some broccoli or asparagus to go with the meal for lunch and dinner. If you try to eat without supplementing with yoru own vegetables steamed, you will not be full, I can almost guarantee it. My fiance also used the trick of filling more with a soda. I'm not crazy about the health aspect of soda, but the bubbles do not fill up the more you can even try a seltzer if you are concerned about artificial sweeteners.

As I mentioned earlier, the key to success with this type of system is complete with plenty of fibrous vegetables to fill you up and add the necessary nutrition and vitamins and fiber that I feel most Frozen meals are lacking. I always charge for breakfast and lunch eat about 450-500 calories to get ready for a day to eat meals low in calories, and that seems to pave the way to eat a diet low in fuel every day .

This type of scheme is very successful as long as you follow the rules and therefore do not yield to the temptation to overeat at dinner. Fill the water table to help maintain satiety until you go to bed. You'll feel pounds lighter in the morning, I assure you! It is easy to worry, it's fast, and the minimum, especially if you work two jobs like me!